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Baby Carrier Manufacturing 101

This post was originally written in 2013, and has been reviewed and updated in 2022. At the bottom of this article you’ll find a link to our baby carrier manufacturing guide to the US market.  Baby carrier manufacturing overview The rules about baby carrier manufacturing are complex in some countries. One of the things we

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Hands cut fabric beside an industrial machine to imply baby carrier manufacturing

Infant Sleep Standard Update

The CPSC recently approved a new and extremely broad  Federal Safety Standard for Infant Sleep Products that “will ensure that products marketed or intended for infant sleep will provide a safe sleep environment for babies under 5 months old.” The full Press Release can be found here. The final rule was published in the federal

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Sleeping baby implies the infant sleep standard

AGM Recap

A recap for those who couldn’t attend the BCIA 2018 AGM on Wednesday, Nov 28. Apologies for the lack of recording, technology thwarted us. Welcome Board of Directors Introduction new members: Alisa DeMarco of Tekhni (USA), Tina Hoffmann of DIDYMOS (Germany), Kristi Hayes-Devlin, Columbus Trading Partners (USA)- Kristi is taking on the role of BCIA

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How To: Lending Library and Rental Program Best Practice Guidelines

There has been much discussion about how to work with babywearing groups and libraries in a way that best supports valuable peer-to-peer education and outreach while also reducing liability to manufacturers, retailers and educators alike. BCIA has discussed the issues with manufacturers, retailers, educators and international sling library/group leaders within the industry. We have also

How To: Lending Library and Rental Program Best Practice Guidelines Continue Reading

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