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Whether you are a parent, caregiver, healthcare professional, or babywearing business owner, we have resources tailored for you.

Research and Education

Articles and webinars


Member Directory

Business Classifieds

BCIA + Registria: Product Registration Program

This is our most popular program for members who sell within the US. We have been very lucky to negotiate an easy, affordable way to meet product registration requirements with a turnkey service.

About BCIA + Registria

Sign up for the BCIA + Registria Program

Instructions for BCIA + Registria Members

Purchase blank product registration cards

Products and Services

Compliance Checklists & Services

Lab and Testing Discounts

Labels, PRS Cards and brochures

Referrals to services

BCIA Member Badge (free download)

Member Directory

Upcoming Events

Safety Brochures

Downloadable File

BCIA Safety Brochure

This brochure contains easy-to-understand information about how to use a baby carrier safely

Downloadable File

BCIA Safety Brochure (en Español)

Este folleto contiene información fácil de entender sobre cómo usar un portabebés de forma segura.

Downloadable File

BCIA Safety Brochure (en Français)

Cette brochure contient des informations faciles à comprendre sur la façon d’utiliser un porte-bébé en toute sécurité

Babywearing-Related Research

Labels, PRS Cards and Brochures

Discounts and Testing Services

This content is exclusive to BCIA members. Members can log in to read it. Not a member yet? Join today!
This content is exclusive to BCIA members. Members can log in to read it. Not a member yet? Join today!

Business Classifieds

Download our FREE guide to US baby carrier compliance

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