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Research, Education, and Babywearing

Access Research, print materials, and brochures

Peruse the BCIA library or read through a sampling of the current research around babywearing and skin to skin care. Information in this section is free to be distributed, referenced or used by professionals and consumers alike.
Feel free to reach out by email if you have any questions or suggestions for resources we might add to this page!

Current Research

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Safety Brochures

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BCIA Safety Brochure

This brochure contains easy-to-understand information about how to use a baby carrier safely

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BCIA Safety Brochure (en Español)

Este folleto contiene información fácil de entender sobre cómo usar un portabebés de forma segura.

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BCIA Safety Brochure (en Français)

Cette brochure contient des informations faciles à comprendre sur la façon d’utiliser un porte-bébé en toute sécurité

Download our FREE guide to US baby carrier compliance

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