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Weaver’s Workshop Write-up

Edit October 22, 2021: We hosted this workshop again on October 13, 2021.

Standards and regulations change periodically — the information in this webinar may not reflect the most up-to-date information.

A recording of the presentation is below.


We hosted our first Weaver’s Workshop, an hour long presentation and Q&A session geared towards artisan and handweaver manufacturers. Our aim was to cover the basic compliance requirements for the US, Canada and European markets, including testing requirements, costs, maximizing fiber/product offerings, and things to consider when deciding to move from hobbyist to business.

The slide deck from the workshop is below, and a summary of the excellent questions from our participants is below.

This content is exclusive to BCIA members. Members can log in to read it. Not a member yet? Join today!

Q&A from the session:

Have a question that wasn’t covered here? Send it on to the director at and we will find you an answer (and incorporate it into our next workshop.

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