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Webinar: Talking about babywearing safety

February 12 @ 12:00 pm 1:00 pm EST

What to expect from the webinar

How we talk about babywearing safety is as important as the conversation itself. The babywearing industry is perhaps the only industry where the manufacturers talk more about safe use of their products than consumer advocacy groups do.

Baby carriers are among the safest places for babies. They can be continually supervised in the direct line of sight of their caregivers, and we must continue to ensure families have access to a wide variety of baby carriers that meet their needs.

Baby carrier brands, educators, retailers, and enthusiasts hold themselves to a higher standard than many other nursery product categories when it comes to educating consumers about potential risks of product misuse. This is a beautiful thing, but it can be difficult to know what to focus on and what language to use.

This webinar will focus on the following questions:

  • What are the general principles of safe nursery product use, including for baby carriers?
  • What risks are unique to baby carriers?
  • What does the data show us we should focus on when discussing baby carrier safety?
  • Are there certain ages, conditions, birth circumstances, or other risk factors that should be considered more closely than others?
  • How do we separate evidence from opinion in discussing best practice during carrying?
  • How can we critically examine statements about what is “safe” or “unsafe” when using carriers?
  • What factors should we consider when determining whether a carrier is “safe?”

About the speaker

This webinar will be led by Kristi Hayes-Devlin. Currently, Kristi is BCIA’s executive director and the chairwoman of the ASTM subcommittee for the infant sling standard. Kristi is a former manufacturer and is a babywearing educator who has been wearing her own children in slings and carriers since 1999. She successfully completed both foundational and advanced babywearing education courses through the Center for Babywearing Studies.

Kristi founded a carrying brand called Wrapsody in 2004 and continued to run that company until 2017. She founded the BCIA in 2010 to ensure small babywearing businesses and educators had the resources they needed to navigate babywearing regulations. She has worked as a babywearing educator both locally and nationally, speaking at conferences around the country on the topic of babywearing and babywearing business compliance.

Call-in details

This webinar will be hosted on GoTo Meeting. Get the app now and be ready when your meeting starts:

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